
Hum, I have to think much. Though I expected that the MS guys helped my reactions, she said 'You should try. I think it is tough.' Oh my gosh, it means she gives me some suggestions, but I have to do my experience by myself. OK, I try. Let…

昨日の夕方、日本人PDのために立食形式のパーティが大学の近くであった。そこで、西海岸を中心とするPDたちが集まってやんやわや。主催者は僕らを取りまとめてる人たちで、ただだった。いろんな人と出会えた。 でも、僕は研究室の飲み会があったのでそれに出…

こちらに来て1年4ヶ月が過ぎたが、多分これが半年とか一年とかで終わってたなら、こっちで住む本当の楽しさって分かってなかっただろうと思う。 でも、2年、3年、5年10年と経ったらまた違う風に思うんだろうと思う。

My PI*1 suggested for me to write a paper if I succeeded in the next reaction. OK, I try!! *1:Principal investigator - definition of principal investigator by The Free Dictionary

Fricking! こんにちはみなさん。最近はどうお過ごしでしょうか?桂 ズレ丸です。最近で は私のカツラもすっかりばれてしまいまして私自信はむしろスッキリした気持ち でおります。ところで最近はとても出会い系という言葉が流行っております。 PCの普及とと…

I sent e-mail to MS facility. She said, it will be probably succeeded in. Wao, I am excited. こちらのいいのは(特に僕がいるところはかも知れないが、ほとんどの米国の研究を主としている大学は)、X線、マス、NMR、計算などを専門に行うところが存在…

SHHHIIIITTTT!!I dropped the glass borrowed from my friend and broke. Today was the day I should pay more attention to the researches.

A friend of mine, he is Japanese, got the academic job in Japan. Congratulations, Cross my fingers.Though he worrys about the area and money for research... I will drink with him today and talk about that.

I am adicticed to solve sudoku. At restroom, living, anywhere, off course, after I come home. I complete my book almost.

I found the book at KINOKUNIYA in SF last Sunday. AVOCADO is GREAT!!

BAZs friend, she is 30s, finished IRONMAN in US. He said, unbelievavle, how great. I agree. I would want to compete in Triathlon and belonged to the cycling team in my university days, though I mainly took part in the cycling races. Hum, I…

I got the permission for the 500 MHz NMR, and I can use it on my account. There are the Bruker's 5 NMR instruments in our facility, 300, 2x400, 500, and another 500 (it can measure at the solid state, too.). Now I can use 4 NMRs except the…

7 days have passed with writing my diary in English.

http://www.chemistry.org/portal/a/c/s/1/acsdisplay.html?id=99549fd89d6a11d6f06a4fd8fe800100 Does this come from Urushi? Urushiol - Wikipedia

I went to SF today. Though I looked for One Peace, it was arleady sold out. I was dissapointed. Benibana is the Japanese restaurant, and I ate tempura there. But it was not good... Oh, I miss tempura, sakusaku! The food I miss are ; Yakini…

Randis is very good rider. He came back to yellow jersey again. Inspired by him, I went cycling this afternoon, though it was so hot today, 80F or more. I went through tonnel road, and then to Grizzry Peak. What beautiful view from the top…

Landis was awesome!! incredible! He made his disadvantage of yesterday kikced out!! Top three cyclists for overall are within 30s. Anybody cant expect who wins.


I dont know how JSPS want 'Ronpaku' to do. Ronpaku means the Ph.D who got Ph degree by submitting some papers with belonging to their industry or company. But the system is only in Japan, and I hear it will be stopped sooner or later. Hum,…

I found a dropped penny afternoon. I felt lucky. A friend of mine, JK, replyed me and he is fine. He is now looking for his place. Though he looks so busy, I think he really enjoys hislife. I won her, though she is paramagnetic. Yes, you'r…

英語で書くと、やや説明的になるけれど省略なく書こうという気にはなる。文法的に正しいかどうかは置いといて、頭の中を整理する意味でもいいのかもしれない。とりあえずnativeに見てもらってcorrectしてもらうか。 飽きるまで続けるつもり。それが明日かも…

We have thought 'Yamamoto' would do such a shame behavior. The parents should make their children drink only in their home.

I get surprized in lab guys English expressions in their E-mails every time. So, I will write in English sometimes. But I dont know when I can last, haha.

Ah, I am hungry... Haha, these are simple sentences. I notice that when I read Japanese, it is easy for me and it is like using my left brain back side. The other hand, at reading or writing English, I feel like my frontside brain working.…

Business News & Financial News | Reuters http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/health/1500AP_Alzheimers_Patch.html "The patch might even work a little better" Now I am reading '旧約聖書を知っていますか'. This book is so fan and hepls to understand…

実家でガスの湯沸し使ってるけど、おいてあるの外だしね。爆発でもしない限り、絶対大丈夫だね。 ただ、実験室にはそのものズバリがおいてあるけども。

http://pubs.acs.org/isubscribe/journals/cen/84/i29/html/8429sci1.html いずれ行ってみたいなぁと。

http://www.chem.ubc.ca/courseware/235/danalabsess/rotovap.html エバポとは言わないのだな。rotovap




http://icho.csj.jp/news/news200607102.html http://pubs.acs.org/cen/news/84/i29/8429notw6.html でかい人が・・・